Number Vol. XV, No. 44
Title Croatian Journal of Philosophy
Language English
Year published 2015-2
ISSN 1333-1108 (Print)
1847-6139 (Online)
Format Croatian journal of philosophy (Online)
Croat. j. philos. (Online)
Price 40,00 eur (pb, pdf)
Pages 137
# Description

DUNJA JUTRONIĆ: Introduction | DAN SPERBER, DEIRDRE WILSON: Beyond Speaker’s Meaning | ANNE BEZUIDENHOUT: Cognitive Environments and Conversational Tailoring | ZSÓFIA ZVOLENSZKY: Inferring Content: Metaphor and Malapropism | DIANA MAZZARELLA: Pragmatics and Epistemic Vigilance: The Deployment of Sophisticated Interpretative Strategies | NENAD MIŠČEVIĆ: Pejoratives and Relevance: Synchronic and Diachronic Issues | NENAD SMOKROVIĆ: Argumentation as a Means for Extending Knowledge | DUNJA JUTRONIĆ: Cognitive Pragmatics and Variational Pragmatics: Possible Interaction?
SMILJA CUKROV: Philip Kitcher and Gillian Barker, Philosophy of Science: A New Introduction

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