Number Vol. XIX, No. 55
Title Croatian Journal of Philosophy
Language English
Year published 2019-1
ISSN 1333-1108 (Print)
1847-6139 (Online)
Format Croatian journal of philosophy (Online)
Croat. j. philos. (Online)
Price 40,00 eur (pb, pdf)
Pages 187
# Description

LARRY S. TEMKIN: Neutrality and the Relations between Different Possible Locations of the Good | JONATHAN SEAGLOW: Religious Accommodation: An Egalitarian Defence | SEBASTIÁN RUDAS: To be a Progressive in Divinitia | MIKLOS ZALA: Laborde’s Liberalism’s Religion: The Problem of Religious Exemptions | SERGIO FILIPPO MAGNI: Procreative Beneficence Toward Whom? | MANUEL KNOLL: Michael Walzer’s Republican Theory of Distributive Justice: “Complex Equality” as Equal Freedom from Domination | IVAN CEROVAC: The Epistemic Value of Partisanship | NENAD MIŠČEVIĆ: Populists, Samaritans and Cosmopolitans. What is the Right Alliance?
RADIM BĚLOHRAD: On Three Attempts to Rebut the Evans Argument against Indeterminate Identity | PIERRE STEINER: Content, Mental Representation and Intentionality: Challenging the Revolutionary Character of Radical Enactivism
MARKO KONJOVIĆ: Clare Chambers, Against Marriage: An Egalitarian Defense of the Marriage-Free State | GREGORY FRISBY: Tim Crane, The Meaning of Belief: Religion from an Atheist’s Point of View

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