Broj | Vol. XXI, No. 63 |
Naslov | Croatian Journal of Philosophy |
Jezik | Engleski |
Godina izdavanja | 2021-3 |
ISSN | 1333-1108 |
Format | Croatian journal of philosophy (Online) Croat. j. philos. (Online) |
Cijena | 40,00 eur (pb, pdf) |
Broj stranica | 102 |
PAOLO LABINAZ: Argumentation as a Speech Act: A (Provisional) Balance | DANILO ŠUSTER: Arguing about Free Will: Lewis and the Consequence Argument | MARTINA BLEČIĆ: Implicitness, Logical Form and Arguments | LUIGI PAVONE: On Formalizing Logical Modalities | MATEJ SUŠNIK: The Intuition behind the Non-Identity Problem
DAVID GRČKI: Jonathan Gilmore, Apt Imaginings, Feelings for Fictions and Other Creatures of the Mind | IRIS VIDMAR JOVANOVIĆ: Wolfgang Huemer and Ingrid Vendrell Ferran (eds.), Beauty: New Essays in Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art | IVA MARTINIĆ: Ivan Cerovac, Epistemic Democracy and Political Legitimacy
Acknowledgement to Referees
Table of Contents of Vol. XXI
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Vol. XXI, No. 63 (password protected)
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